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Study Material Package for Class 10th + Foundation

Original price was: ₹6,000.00.Current price is: ₹4,500.00.

Study Material Package is prepared by a team of
subject experts who have been guiding NEET/JEE/Olympiads aspirants for more than three decades.
Study Material Package introduces fundamental
concepts in a very effective manner. It incorporates
graduated set of illustrations & exercise sheets to
firmly grasp the concepts through their application
in various situations. The study material is self sufficient.
Hence there is no significance of any
other reference material.

Get Up to 100% Scholarship in course fee based on academic performance of the student. For details, please call 8740050501.

Study Material Package introduces fundamental concepts in a very effective manner. It incorporates graduated set of illustrations & exercise sheets to firmly grasp the concepts through their application in various situations. The study material is self sufficient. Hence there is not significant of any other reference material.

Study Material is in the form of booklets & each topic comprises of the following sections arranged logically and sequentially:

  1. Target Exam:10th Board & Foundation for future competitive exams
  2. Eligibility: For class X students
  3. Subject Covered:Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Mental Ability, SST, English
  4. Medium:English
  5. Study Material Package consist of following 
  • Printed Books containing self explanatory theory notes for both School & Competitive exams
  • Solved Examples for an in-depth understanding of concepts
  • Exercise Sheets for School/Board
  • Exercise Sheets for Competitive Exams
  • Recorded Video Lectures
  • Doubt Counter Facility
  • Online Academic & motivational Seminar on topic like
    1. How to Study at home
    2. How to use Study Material Package
    3. How to Solve Numerical
    4. Revision Strategy
    5. How to improve speed, accuracy & scoring ability
    6. How to build confidence & develop examination temperament